sXe Metin Belgesi Hataları
sXe Hatası :[ SYSENTER / Int2E ALTERED [0x804DE6F0][0xB78A8AD0] [\WINDOWS\system32\TUKERNEL.EXE] ]
sXe Açıklaması : sXe Injected do not allow boot screens
sXe Çözüm : TUKERNEL.EXE bul sil ve reset at
sXe Hatası : [C:\Archivos de programa\StrikeC\Mss32.dll] -> Incorrect version [ba2b3f10b8997299e96a176c9b5d5f96](BLOCKED)
sXe Açıklaması : This is not an original dll
sXe Çözüm : Oyunu sil tekrar kur (Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, etc)
sXe Hatası : [(\SystemRoot\system32\drivers\HBKernel.sys). (sXe Injected subsystem altered 2[35])]
sXe Açıklaması : HBKernel.sys is a virus, hook windows kernel and try to deactivate sXe Injected.
sXe Çözüm : Virüs bulaşmış bilgisayarına, virüs programı ile bilgisayarını temizle.
sXe Hatası : [(Dirty). (sXe Injected subsystem altered 2[XXX])]
sXe Açıklaması : Another application was trying to deactivate sXe Injected
sXe Çözüm : Virüs bulaşmış bilgisayarına, virüs programı ile bilgisayarını temizle.
sXe Hatası : - [D:\Juegos\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe] -> Incorrect version [a6873754f9be227d28514a8b188c3935](BLOCKED)
sXe Hatası : - [D:\Games\Counter-Strike\cstrike.exe] -> Incorrect version [1604114ef0abc105386b461c80627275](BLOCKED)
sXe Hatası : - [C:\Archivos de programa\Valve\hl.exe] -> Incorrect version [8f33bcf8c28725796f63884df77eda6b](BLOCKED)
sXe Açıklaması : Uyumlu bir oyun türü değil yada Modifiyeli.
sXe Çözüm : Uyumlu bir oyun türü değil yada Modifiyeli. Yeni bir oyun paketi edininiz.
sXe Hatası : - [C:\Archivos de programa\Counter-Strike
1.6\cstrike\dlls\mp.dll] -> Incorrect version
sXe Açıklaması : Modifiyeli dosya, orjinal dosyayı bulup tekrar giriniz.
sXe Hatası: [00d](f7ba3318)[124](f7ba3560)[17f](f7ba3854)[1a0](f7ba38f0)[1f6](f7ba3c88)[225](f7ba3b0c)[23a](f7ba3bf4)]
sXe Açıklaması : This is a software incompatibility.
sXe Çözüm : None. Report the error, all installed programs and wait for
a solution ( Installed programs must be reported
with HiJackThis application
sXe Hatası : [(\WINDOWS\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe)(sXe Injected subsystem altered 2)]
sXe Hatası : [ SYSENTER / Int2E ALTERED [0x804DE6F0][0xB92494B0] [\WINDOWS\system32\SINGKRNL.EXE] ]
sXe Açıklaması : Some kind of incompatibility.
sXe Çözüm : Çözüm yok. Hatalı Windows versiyonu.
sXe Hatası : * Game Altered, remove modifications * (####) [######]
sXe Açıklaması : installed map/model/sprite/dll differs from the original ones.
sXe Çözüm : Lütfen orjinal haritalarla giriniz.
sXe Hatası : * Game Altered, remove modifications * (b) [30]
sXe Açıklaması : A few benchmarking applications modify OGL functions
in order to measure your fps. This modifications can not be
differentiated from a cheat.
sXe Çözüm : Oyun modifiyeli silin tekrar kurun Orjinali.
sXe Hatası : GetLastError(87)(Invalid parameter.)
sXe Açıklaması : Windows has a limited list of applications who can be
notified of launched applications, this list has only 8 positions, sXe
Injected consume one, when the list is full sXe Injected can not
subscribe and finalize.
sXe Çözüm : It is common when you uninstall an application (like the
stupid Norton 2008) that the uninstall process do not eliminate all it
drivers, so, you have a lot of drivers loaded and running with no
purpose. The solution is find those drivers and deactivate them,
subscribed drivers can be found with applications like Deep system
Explorer (, and you can deactivate it
with programs like Autoruns (, “Drivers” tab.
NOTE:be carefull!
sXe Hatası : GetLastError(1275)(This driver has been blocked from loading)
sXe Açıklaması : Another application is blocking sXe Injected’s driver or you have Windows 64bits installed.
sXe Çözüm : Try to grant sXe Injected to load drivers or if you have a 64bits platform there nothing you can do.